Active Directory Lab | Emulating a phished user click

This is an attempt to emulate successfully phishing a user to the point in which they download and execute a payload. When doing things in a lab, it almost never emulates real user interaction and it is an extra step to login to the victim host just to click on an email you sent 30 seconds ago. This method uses outlook rules and powershell to automatically download and execute a link received from a specific user.

This isn’t exactly a full tutorial with every command and button click, more of the steps I went through to create the emulated actions.

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Linux Libvirt Build Pipeline

As a red teamer, I’ve needed to build various Windows executables that usually required me interacting with a Virtual Machine where I had to run Visual Studio or powershell to build the projects. If I was using VMware workstation or VirtualBox I could mount a local folder to store the files and what not but it was still pretty cumbersome. I created this little pipeline to speed that process up. It utilizes libvirt to run a VM headlessly and then the script interacts with it over ssh to build the csproj file passed to it.

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